Modern Slavery is a brutal form of organised crime in which people are treated as commodities and exploited for criminal gain. The International Labour Organisation (ILO) estimates that 21 million men, women and children are working in conditions of modern slavery, including trafficked persons.

Butyl Products Ltd (incorporating Butek Landline) are committed to working within our own business and our supply chain to ensure that we implement a proactive approach to tackling hidden labour exploitation and reducing these practices in our supply chain.

As with all relevant commercial organisations who are supplying services or goods, Butyl Products Ltd are required to prepare this ‘Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement’ in order to comply with section 54 (transparency in supply chains etc.) of the Modern Slavery Act, 2015. Therefore, the following arrangements have been made to ensure compliance both within our organisation and within our supply chain.

Butyl Products Ltd have procedures in place for new employees seeking employment within the group to determine their right to work, and pre-employment checks of original documents to check for matching of names against bank accounts etc.; we undertake training within the company to raise awareness of this serious issue to enable our recruitment team to identify where any potential instances of modern slavery are taking place.

Where discrepancies arise, Butyl Products Ltd investigate further and take appropriate action.

Butyl Products Ltd have a Supplier Approval Questionnaire which is sent to all of our suppliers listed on our approved suppliers register. Butyl Products Ltd issue this questionnaire to ALL approved suppliers and potential suppliers. Where unsatisfactory responses are received, supplier approval will be denied and alternate sourcing of products undertaken.

Our Approved Supplier Questionnaire has sections which make enquiry into:

  • Whether the supplier has had any prosecutions over the last 2 years for breaches in the Modern Slavery / Human Trafficking laws.
  • Explanation of how the company determines the right to work for their employees (including pre-employment checks).
  • How any sub-contracted works are authorised and how suitability of any of their suppliers is determined with regard to modern slavery laws.

Gavin Mitchell, Managing Director