Prefabricated, flexible, welded box liners and lids; often referred to as Attenuation Tank Liners, Shoe Box Liners or SUDS (Sustainable Urban Drainage System) boxes; manufactured in a variety of materials to suit your project and built to any size. Fully prefabricated linings can be delivered directly to site. The linings can also be supplied with ‘Top Hats’ for sealing to pipes and vents.
Our liners are used effectively in Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems designed for water management & flow rate control of stormwater runoff.

We can offer free guidance on self installation, reducing the need for sub contract installation.
We can design and fabricate attenuation crate wrappings in a variety of materials, and install on site should the cell to be lined prove too large or too complex to supply as a prefabricated unit. Our skilled site crews offer many years installation experience with a wide range of attenuation units including Polystorm, Aquacell and Waterloc systems.
We have preferential rates with a number of storm cell manufacturers, and can offer very competitive rates for the complete project; from concept design right through to project completion.
All of our water attenuation liners are palletised for delivery and fully certified with fusion high frequency welded or vulcanised seams.